100 Laravel Web Developer Interview Questions & Answers for 2025

Md Tayobur Rahman · 21 Jan, 2025
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100 Laravel Web Developer Interview Questions & Answers for 2025

Stay ahead of the curve with this exhaustive list of 100 Laravel web developer interview questions (and answers) for 2025. Whether you’re a hiring manager looking for the perfect candidate or an aspiring developer, these questions will help you assess or demonstrate in-depth knowledge of Laravel and modern web development practices.

The demand for Laravel developers continues to grow as it remains one of the most popular PHP frameworks. If you’re preparing for a Laravel web developer interview or looking to hire the right candidate, this guide provides 100 interview questions along with concise answers. The questions are categorized based on complexity: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Questions (1–30)
  2. Intermediate Questions (31–70)
  3. Advanced Questions (71–100)
  4. Conclusion

1. Basic Questions (1–30)

1. What is Laravel?

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework designed to make developing web applications easier and faster through built-in features like routing, templating, ORM (Eloquent), and more.

2. What are some key features of Laravel?


  • Eloquent ORM for database operations
  • Blade Template Engine for clean, reusable views
  • Artisan command-line interface
  • Routing system that’s straightforward and expressive
  • Queue system for background processing

3. What is Artisan in Laravel?

Artisan is Laravel’s built-in command-line interface that helps automate repetitive tasks such as database migrations, code scaffolding, and package management.

4. How do you install Laravel?

Use Composer (PHP’s package manager). For example:

composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app

5. What is the current LTS version of Laravel (as of 2025)?

Laravel 10 is the current LTS (Long Term Support) version (released in 2023). (Note: Verify the official Laravel documentation for any updates in 2025.)

6. What is the php artisan serve command used for?

It launches a development server at (by default), making it easier to test your application locally without needing an external server configuration.

7. What is the purpose of .env file in Laravel?

The .env file stores environment-specific configuration like database credentials, application key, and service configurations. This keeps sensitive data out of version control.

8. How do you set up a database connection in Laravel?

By editing the .env file and setting the DB_CONNECTION, DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME, and DB_PASSWORD variables. The config/database.php file references these variables.

9. What is “Routing” in Laravel?

Routing defines how the application responds to various HTTP requests. In Laravel, routes are typically defined in files like routes/web.php or routes/api.php.

10. Explain the difference between web.php and api.php routing files.


  • web.php: Used for routes that return web pages, often using session state, CSRF protection, and cookies.
  • api.php: Used for stateless routes for API endpoints, typically returning JSON responses.

11. What is a “Controller” in Laravel?

A controller is a class used to group related request handling logic. Each method inside a controller handles a specific route or group of routes.

12. How do you create a new controller using Artisan?


php artisan make:controller MyController

This command creates a file named MyController.php inside app/Http/Controllers/.

13. What is “Blade” in Laravel?

Blade is Laravel’s lightweight templating engine for rendering HTML. It provides template inheritance and simple syntax for displaying data and content structures.

14. How do you display a variable in Blade?

Use the double curly brace syntax. For example:

{{ $variableName }}

15. How do you include a Blade view inside another?

Use the @include directive. For example:


16. What is “Eloquent ORM”?

Eloquent is Laravel’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, which simplifies database operations by allowing you to interact with database tables as if they were objects (models).

17. How do you define a model in Laravel?

Create a model class in app/Models/ using Artisan. For instance:

php artisan make:model Post

18. What is a migration in Laravel?

A migration is a file that allows you to modify and share the application’s database schema. It lets you create or update database tables in a structured way.

19. How do you create a new migration?


php artisan make:migration create_posts_table

This command creates a migration file in database/migrations/ directory.

20. How do you run all migrations?


php artisan migrate

21. What does php artisan migrate:rollback do?

It reverts the most recent database migration, undoing the changes made by that migration.

22. What is the purpose of a seeder in Laravel?

Seeders populate the database with initial or test data. This is often useful for development environments or for demonstrating application features.

23. How do you create a new seeder?


php artisan make:seeder UsersTableSeeder

24. What does the php artisan tinker command do?

It opens an interactive REPL where you can test and run PHP (and Laravel) code in real time.

25. What is the csrf_token() function used for in Blade templates?

It generates a CSRF token to protect forms from cross-site request forgery attacks.

26. How do you apply middleware to a specific route?

You can specify middleware in the route definition, for example:

Route::get('/dashboard', [DashboardController::class, 'index'])->middleware('auth');

27. What is the difference between Hash::make() and bcrypt() in Laravel?

Both are used for hashing passwords. Hash::make() is the recommended approach since it uses Laravel’s default hashing driver (bcrypt or Argon2), while bcrypt() specifically uses the bcrypt algorithm.

28. How do you access the current URL in a Blade view?


{{ url()->current() }}


{{ request()->url() }}

29. How do you generate a URL in Laravel for a named route?

Use the route() helper function. For example:

route('user.profile', ['id' => 1]);

30. What is the purpose of .htaccess file in a Laravel project?

In Apache environments, .htaccess handles URL rewriting to ensure all requests are directed to Laravel’s public/index.php.

2. Intermediate Questions (31–70)

31. What are Service Providers in Laravel?

They are the central place for configuring and bootstrapping application services. Almost all of your application’s functionality is registered within service providers.

32. How does the boot() method in a service provider differ from the register() method?


  • register(): Binds services to the service container.
  • boot(): Runs after all service providers have been registered, making it suitable for event listeners or route bindings.

33. Explain the concept of “Contracts” in Laravel.

Contracts are interfaces that define the core services Laravel provides. They serve as a guide to what methods a class should implement, ensuring loose coupling.

34. How do you use Eloquent relationships in Laravel?

By defining relationship methods in your model (e.g., hasOne, hasMany, belongsTo, belongsToMany). For instance:

public function posts() {
    return $this->hasMany(Post::class);

35. What is the difference between hasOne and belongsTo?


  • hasOne: Indicates the model has one related model, typically used in the parent model.
  • belongsTo: Indicates the model belongs to another model, typically used in the child model that holds the foreign key.

36. Describe what “Mass Assignment” is in Laravel.

Mass assignment allows setting multiple attributes on a model at once via an array. E.g., $user = User::create(['name' => 'John', 'email' => '[email protected]']);

37. What is the purpose of $fillable or $guarded in a model?


  • $fillable: An array specifying which attributes can be mass assigned.
  • $guarded: An array specifying which attributes cannot be mass assigned.

38. How do you use Query Scopes in Laravel?

Query scopes allow you to define common queries within a model. For example:

public function scopeActive($query) {
    return $query->where('status', 'active');

Then call it as $users = User::active()->get();

39. What is the difference between “Local Scopes” and “Global Scopes”?


  • Local Scopes: Declared as scopeName methods in the model; used explicitly.
  • Global Scopes: Implement \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope to apply query constraints to all queries on a model.

40. What is “Eager Loading”?

Eager loading loads related models in a single query to prevent the N+1 query problem. For example:

$users = User::with('posts')->get();

41. How do you paginate results in Laravel?

Use methods like paginate() or simplePaginate(). For example:

$users = User::paginate(15);

42. What is Laravel Scout?

Laravel Scout provides a simple interface for adding full-text search to your Eloquent models using drivers like Algolia or Meilisearch.

43. What is a “Policy” in Laravel?

Policies are classes used to organize authorization logic for a model. They determine what actions a user is authorized to perform on given resources.

44. How do you register and use a Policy?

Register the policy in app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php. For example:

protected $policies = [
   Post::class => PostPolicy::class,

Then in your controller or Blade views, use Gate::allows('update', $post) or @can('update', $post).

45. What is “Middleware” in Laravel?

Middleware is a filtering mechanism for HTTP requests entering your application. For example, auth middleware checks if a user is logged in before granting access.

46. How do you create custom middleware?


php artisan make:middleware CheckRole

Then implement the handle() method in the generated file and register it in kernel.php.

47. What are “Jobs” and “Queues” in Laravel?

A job is a unit of work that can be pushed onto a queue to be processed asynchronously. Queues allow you to defer time-consuming tasks (e.g., sending emails) to improve performance.

48. How do you create a Job in Laravel?


php artisan make:job SendWelcomeEmail

This creates a job class in app/Jobs/.

49. How do you configure the queue system in Laravel?

Set the QUEUE_CONNECTION in your .env file to a supported driver (e.g., sync, database, redis) and configure the driver settings in config/queue.php.

50. What is the difference between sync and database queue drivers?


  • sync: Executes jobs immediately in the same process.
  • database: Stores jobs in a database table and processes them asynchronously via a queue worker.

51. What is “Event Broadcasting” in Laravel?

It lets you broadcast server-side events (e.g., via Pusher or Ably) to the client in real-time, enabling features like live feeds or notifications.

52. How do you create an Event and a Listener in Laravel?


php artisan make:event UserRegistered
php artisan make:listener SendWelcomeNotification --event=UserRegistered

53. What is “Laravel Echo”?

A JavaScript library by Laravel that makes it easy to subscribe to channels and listen for events broadcast from your Laravel application.

54. How does Laravel handle file uploads?

By using the store() or storeAs() methods on the uploaded file object, typically within a request. For example:


55. What are “Resource Controllers”?

They provide a conventional way to handle CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) routes and methods for a model, mapping them to standard HTTP verbs.

56. What does php artisan route:list do?

It displays a table of all registered routes in your application, including methods, URIs, and associated actions.

57. Explain “Localization” in Laravel.

Localization enables you to easily support multiple languages in your application using language files stored in resources/lang.

58. How do you implement Localization for a string in Blade?

Use the __() helper function or the @lang directive:

{{ __('messages.welcome') }}

59. What is “Laravel Mix”?

A wrapper around Webpack that simplifies compiling and minifying CSS/JS assets. You define your build steps in webpack.mix.js.

60. What is the resource_path() helper?

It returns the fully qualified path to the resources directory, helping you access files in that directory.

61. What is the difference between pluck() and lists() in Laravel Eloquent?

lists() was deprecated. pluck() is the modern method for retrieving a single column from a collection or query. For example:


62. How do you create a custom command in Artisan?


php artisan make:command MyCustomCommand

Then define it in the handle() method and register the command in app/Console/Kernel.php.

63. What is “Soft Deleting” in Laravel?

Soft deleting moves a record to a “deleted” state by setting a timestamp in the deleted_at column without permanently removing it from the database.

64. How do you enable soft deletes for a model?

Use the SoftDeletes trait in your model and include the deleted_at column in your migrations.

65. What is “API Resource” in Laravel?

It transforms your Eloquent models into JSON (or other formats) for APIs using resource classes for clean and consistent output.

66. What does the ->firstOrFail() method do?

It retrieves the first result of a query or throws a ModelNotFoundException if no result is found.

67. How do you cache data in Laravel?

Using the Cache facade or the global cache() helper. For example:

Cache::put('key', 'value', 600); // stores 'value' for 600 seconds

68. What is a “Service Container” in Laravel?

It’s the core mechanism of dependency injection in Laravel. It binds interfaces to concrete implementations, resolving dependencies automatically.

69. How do you register a binding in the service container?

In a service provider’s register() method:

$this->app->bind('App\Contracts\MyInterface', 'App\Services\MyService');

70. How do you clear various caches in Laravel?

Using Artisan commands:

  • php artisan cache:clear (application cache)
  • php artisan config:clear (configuration cache)
  • php artisan route:clear (route cache)
  • php artisan view:clear (compiled views cache)

3. Advanced Questions (71–100)

71. What is “Observer” in Laravel?

An Observer class monitors and responds to specific model events such as creating, updating, and deleting, letting you centralize event-driven logic.

72. How do you create and register an Observer?


php artisan make:observer PostObserver --model=Post

Then register it in AppServiceProvider or your desired service provider:


73. Explain the concept of “Repository Pattern” in Laravel.

It’s a design pattern to abstract the data layer from the application logic. The “Repository” acts as a mediator between the models and controllers, enhancing maintainability.

74. What is “Testing” in Laravel and which testing tools does it use?

Laravel integrates with PHPUnit for unit testing and Pest (optionally). It provides out-of-the-box testing capabilities to test routes, controllers, and application logic.

75. How do you create a test file in Laravel?


php artisan make:test UserTest

This command creates a test in the tests/Feature directory by default.

76. What are “Helper Functions” in Laravel, and how do you create one?

Helper functions are global functions to perform common tasks. You can create a new file under app/Helpers, declare your functions, and then load it via composer.json (autoload.files).

77. Describe the use of “Jobs and Events” for decoupled architecture.

They allow you to separate different parts of your application. Events signal that something has happened, while Jobs handle the tasks in response, improving maintainability and performance.

78. What is “Rate Limiting” in Laravel and how can you implement it?

Rate limiting protects against abuse by limiting the number of requests a user can make in a time period. You can implement it with Laravel’s ThrottleRequests middleware or define custom rate limiters in RouteServiceProvider.

79. How do you handle exceptions globally in Laravel?

By customizing the render() method in app/Exceptions/Handler.php, you can handle or format exceptions for the entire application.

80. What is “Automated Deployment” in the context of Laravel?

Automated deployment uses CI/CD tools (like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins) to build, test, and deploy your Laravel app to staging or production environments without manual intervention.

81. How does Laravel handle real-time notifications?

Using the Notifications feature combined with broadcast channels, you can send notifications via channels like mail, database, Slack, or real-time broadcasting (Pusher, etc.).

82. What is a “Macro” in Laravel?

Macros allow you to add custom methods to Laravel’s internal classes (e.g., Collections, Response, Stringable). You register them using the macro() method, extending the class’s functionality.

83. How do you handle multiple authentication guards in Laravel?

Define multiple guards in config/auth.php (e.g., web, api, admin) and specify which guard to use in the controllers or middleware.

84. How do you secure APIs in Laravel?


  • Use tokens via Laravel Sanctum or Laravel Passport.
  • Employ route-based middleware like auth:api.
  • Validate and sanitize input data.

85. What is “Laravel Passport”?

A full OAuth2 server implementation for Laravel that provides secure API authentication using tokens, scopes, and clients.

86. Explain the concept of “Lazy Collections” in Laravel.

Lazy collections allow you to work with large datasets while keeping memory usage low by processing data chunk by chunk instead of loading it all into memory at once.

87. How do you use “Telescope” in Laravel?

Laravel Telescope is a debugging assistant. Install it with:

composer require laravel/telescope
php artisan telescope:install
php artisan migrate

It helps log and monitor requests, exceptions, queries, and more.

88. How do you optimize a Laravel application?


  • Cache configuration, routes, and views (using Artisan commands).
  • Optimize database queries (eager loading, indexing).
  • Use queues for time-consuming tasks.
  • Profile with tools like Laravel Debugbar or Telescope.

89. What is “Laravel Vapor”?

It’s a serverless deployment platform for Laravel applications, built and maintained by the Laravel team, using AWS Lambda for scalable cloud hosting.

90. How do you implement “CI/CD” for a Laravel project?


  • Commit code to a Git repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab).
  • Use a pipeline (GitHub Actions, GitLab CI) to run tests, lint code, and build.
  • Deploy automatically to staging or production if tests pass.

91. What are “API Resources” vs. “Collections” in Laravel?


  • API Resources: Transform single model instances.
  • Collections: Transform lists of models, typically returning an array of resource objects.

92. How would you debug an Eloquent query?

Use ->toSql() or enable the Query Log via:


Or use tools like Telescope, Laravel Debugbar.

93. What is “Unit Testing” vs. “Feature Testing” in Laravel?


  • Unit Testing: Tests small, isolated pieces of code (models, services).
  • Feature Testing: Tests the full HTTP request cycle, ensuring routes, controllers, middleware, etc., work together correctly.

94. How do you implement “Repository Service Providers” in Laravel?

Create a repository interface and its implementation, then bind them in the register() method of your service provider:

$this->app->bind(UserRepositoryInterface::class, UserRepository::class);

95. What are some best practices for naming conventions in Laravel?


  • Controllers: singular or plural with “Controller” suffix (e.g., UserController).
  • Models: singular (e.g., User).
  • Database Tables: plural (e.g., users).
  • Migrations: snake_case naming aligned with the table name.

96. How do you handle file storage in Laravel across different environments (local, S3, etc.)?

Use the Storage facade with disks defined in config/filesystems.php. For example:

Storage::disk('s3')->put('file.txt', 'Contents');

97. Describe “One to One (Polymorphic) Relationship” in Laravel.

A polymorphic one-to-one relationship allows a model to belong to more than one model on a single association. For instance, an “Image” model could belong to either a “User” or a “Product.”

98. How do you generate documentation for a Laravel API?

Use tools like Swagger or APIs like Laradoc that parse routes and annotations to generate documentation automatically.

99. Explain how you might integrate Laravel with a frontend framework like Vue or React.

You can scaffold a basic setup using Laravel’s front-end presets or Jetstream. Then, use Webpack (or Vite) through Laravel Mix for bundling. The API endpoints can be consumed by the Vue/React components to provide a single-page application experience.

100. What trends do you foresee in Laravel development in 2025?


  • Increased adoption of serverless (Laravel Vapor).
  • Greater emphasis on microservices and event-driven systems.
  • Enhanced first-party packages for security, real-time apps, and AI integration.
  • Continuous improvements in developer experience and performance.

4. Conclusion

Whether you’re a recruiter searching for the right candidate or a developer aiming to land your dream job, these 100 Laravel interview questions for 2025 should give you a solid roadmap. Covering basics to advanced concepts like Laravel’s architecture, tools, and best practices, this guide helps ensure thorough preparation.

Key Takeaways

  • Master Laravel fundamentals (routing, controllers, models, views) before moving on to advanced concepts (queues, events, broadcasting, testing).
  • Leverage built-in tools like Artisan, Blade, Eloquent, and resource controllers for efficient development.
  • Stay updated with the latest Laravel releases and community packages for a competitive edge.

Best of luck in your interviews and endeavors in 2025 and beyond! If you found this guide helpful, feel free to share it with your network.

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