A Comprehensive Guide to Laravel Events and Listeners (Laravel 10 & Laravel 11)

Md Tayobur Rahman · 08 Jan, 2025
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A Comprehensive Guide to Laravel Events and Listeners (Laravel 10 & Laravel 11)

Master Laravel Events and Listeners in this step-by-step guide for Laravel 10 and Laravel 11. Learn to decouple your application logic, create custom events, manage model events, and utilize the Laravel event service provider. Perfect for building clean, maintainable, and scalable applications.

A Comprehensive Guide to Laravel Events and Listeners (Laravel 10 & Laravel 11)

If you have ever needed to decouple parts of your Laravel application or trigger certain actions when something specific happens, Laravel Events are here to help. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what events are, why you might use them, and how to create and manage Event and Listener in Laravel 10 and Laravel 11. We’ll also cover Laravel model events, the Laravel event service provider, and go step-by-step on creating an Event listener in Laravel 11.

What Are Laravel Events?

In Laravel, events are a way to signal that something important has happened in your application. They enable a loosely coupled mechanism where different parts of your code can react to these specific signals (or “events”) without being directly linked.

Why Use Laravel Events?

  1. Decoupled Architecture: Instead of having one class call another directly, you can dispatch an event that multiple listeners might respond to, thus making your code more flexible and maintainable.
  2. Simplicity: Laravel provides an intuitive syntax for creating events and listeners.
  3. Clean Code: By separating logic into event listeners, you can keep your controllers and models clean and focused on core responsibilities.

Creating Events and Listeners in Laravel

Step 1: Setting Up the Event and Listener Files

Laravel provides an easy way to generate events and listeners through the Artisan command-line tool. Using the following commands will generate boilerplate files:

php artisan make:event UserRegistered
php artisan make:listener SendWelcomeEmail

These commands will create:

  1. Event: app/Events/UserRegistered.php
  2. Listener: app/Listeners/SendWelcomeEmail.php

Note: In Laravel 10 and Laravel 11, the folder structure remains mostly the same.

Step 2: Defining the Event

Open the UserRegistered event class and define any properties needed by the event. For example, if the event needs to pass a User model to the listener, you would define the property like so:

namespace App\Events;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;

class UserRegistered
    use Dispatchable, SerializesModels;

    public $user;

    public function __construct(User $user)
        $this->user = $user;

Step 3: Defining the Listener

Next, open the SendWelcomeEmail listener and implement the handle() method. This is where you define the logic that should occur when the event is fired.

namespace App\Listeners;

use App\Events\UserRegistered;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Mail;

class SendWelcomeEmail implements ShouldQueue
    use InteractsWithQueue;

    public function handle(UserRegistered $event)
        // Access the user data from the event
        $user = $event->user;

        // Send welcome email to user
        Mail::to($user->email)->send(new \App\Mail\WelcomeMail($user));

Pro Tip: Implementing ShouldQueue automatically pushes this listener onto Laravel’s queue system. This can prevent your application from hanging while sending emails or performing other long tasks.

Registering Events and Listeners in the Service Provider

To let Laravel know about your events and listeners, you must register them in the Laravel event service provider. By default, Laravel comes with an EventServiceProvider located in app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php.

Laravel 11 Event Service Provider

In Laravel 11, your EventServiceProvider may look like this:

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Events\UserRegistered;
use App\Listeners\SendWelcomeEmail;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\EventServiceProvider as ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;

class EventServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    protected $listen = [
        UserRegistered::class => [

    public function boot()

Here, the $listen array maps the event to the listener. Once registered, whenever UserRegistered is fired, SendWelcomeEmail will automatically be called.

Dispatching Events

With the Event and Listener in Laravel 10 or Laravel 11 set up, dispatching the event is straightforward. For example, if you want to dispatch the UserRegistered event after a new user is created, you might do so in a controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\User;
use App\Events\UserRegistered;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class RegistrationController extends Controller
    public function store(Request $request)
        // Validate and create the user
        $user = User::create($request->all());

        // Dispatch the event
        event(new UserRegistered($user));

        return redirect()->route('home')->with('success', 'User registered successfully!');

Tip: You can also use the static UserRegistered::dispatch($user) method instead of event(new UserRegistered($user)). Both are valid approaches in Laravel.

Laravel Model Events

In addition to custom events like UserRegistered, Laravel also provides model events out of the box. These events are triggered when specific actions happen on your Eloquent models, such as created, updated, deleted, and saved.

For instance, to handle a created event on the User model:

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Models\User;
use App\Observers\UserObserver;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()

Then, create a UserObserver:

namespace App\Observers;

use App\Models\User;

class UserObserver
    public function created(User $user)
        // Handle the "created" event
        // You could dispatch your own event here or do any other logic

Reminder: Registering the observer in the AppServiceProvider (or a dedicated service provider) is essential for the events to fire.

Benefits of Using Laravel Events

  1. Flexibility: You can easily add or remove listeners without changing your existing code.
  2. Scalability: Complex applications benefit from dispatching events that multiple components can handle in different ways.
  3. Maintaining Clean Code: Logic for sending emails, logging, and more can stay out of your controller and be placed where it logically belongs—in your listeners.

Laravel Events Example: Putting It All Together

To summarize an example:

  1. Create an event named UserRegistered.
  2. Create a listener named SendWelcomeEmail.
  3. Register them both in your EventServiceProvider (or a dedicated service provider in Laravel 11 event service provider).
  4. Dispatch the event wherever needed (e.g., in a controller after creating a user).
  5. Listen for the event in your SendWelcomeEmail listener to perform the desired action.

Whether you’re working on Laravel 10 or Laravel 11, Laravel events provide a powerful way to decouple your application logic and keep your code base clean and organized. By understanding how to create events, listeners, and utilize model events, you’ll be able to build more maintainable and scalable applications.

Key Takeaways:

  • Laravel events let different parts of your application react to actions in a decoupled manner.
  • Use php artisan make:event and php artisan make:listener to quickly generate boilerplate code.
  • Register your events and listeners in the Laravel event service provider.
  • Leverage Laravel model events for automatically handling Eloquent model actions.
  • Dispatching events is simple: just call event(new EventName()) or EventName::dispatch().

Now that you have a solid grasp on the fundamentals of Event and Listener in Laravel 10 and Event and Listener in Laravel 11, you can start leveraging events in your project to create cleaner, more maintainable applications. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Can I have multiple listeners for the same event?
    Yes, simply add them to the $listen array in your EventServiceProvider. Each will be executed when the event fires.

  2. Do I have to use queues for my listeners?
    No. However, using queues is recommended for time-consuming tasks to keep your application responsive.

  3. What are the differences in events between Laravel 10 and Laravel 11?
    The core functionality remains the same. Laravel 11 might include minor improvements, but the event and listener structure is largely consistent with Laravel 10.

  4. Can I dispatch events from my models directly?
    Yes, you can call self::dispatch() from within a model method, or use model events for automatic triggers (e.g., created, updated, etc.).

  5. Where do I place my logic to handle an event?
    In the handle() method of the listener class, so your controller or model code can remain focused on its primary responsibilities.


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